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Historical District Commission Meeting Minutes 05/01/2007
Town of Lenox
Historic District Commission
May 1, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler (KF), Elaine Steinert (ES), Kate McNulty Vaughan (KM-V), Jason Berger (JB)

Lynch, Jeffrey, sign at 67 Church St., Map 43 Parcel 181.  Making the presentation was Mr. Lynch.  He and his partner, Jeff Scrimo, both attorneys have rented office space on the second floor of this building.  Mr. Lynch was requesting three signs; one would be 38” X 9” and mounted on sign posts which include other business signs, a second would be 15” X 4” and would be mounted on the front door.  A third sign would be in the window on the second floor above the front door.  The signs would be grey with white lettering and a line in royal blue.  The material would be resin.  

The Commission determined that three signs were too many.  ES made a motion to allow two signs as described.  One would be mounted on the sign posts and one would be on the door.  KM-V seconded the motion and the Commission approved 4-0.

Other business:
·       April 17, 2007 meeting was cancelled as there was not a quorum.
·       Minutes
1) March 28, 2007-KM-V made a motion to approve the minutes with one edit and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 4-0.
2) April 3, 2007-KM-V made a motion to approve the minutes with suggested changes and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.  (JB recused himself.)
·       JB has resigned for personal reasons, but would like to return to serve perhaps as early as the fall.  His resignation was accepted with regret as fellow commissioners commented on his contribution to the Commission and stated they valued his opinion.
·       JB commented on the violations in the District and suggested that the Building Inspector include the HDC as another board/department on the Inspector’s sign off sheet required before a building permit can be issued.  
·       KM-V has not written the letter to the Building Inspector that she had committed to writing. (See April 3, 2007 minutes Winstanley paragraph.)  The Commissioners decided at tonight’s meeting that the letter will not be written.  Instead ES will call the Building Inspector and ask him to meet with the Commission informally to discuss the violations and how to better deal with them.
·       KF will make contact with Chris Skelly of Massachusetts Historical Commission regarding training for the Commission.
·       KF will contact Berkshire Record concerning an article they   
published about the results of the HDC meeting of March 28, 2007 when the Winstanley application came before the Board.
·       ES advised the Board that Frank Macioge, an architect, has offered to serve as a consultant whenever the HDC is in need of an architect to review applications.  Mr. Macioge also donated to the HDC a book entitled:  A Field Guide to American Houses.
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola